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5 Ways to Make Your Custom Business Envelopes Stand Out

The Supplies Shops Blog

5 Ways to Make Your Custom Business Envelopes Stand Out

5 Ways to Make Your Custom Business Envelopes Stand Out
Posted: 8/20/22 | Category:  Envelopes | By: 

Having custom business envelopes is a great way to get your company noticed. Think about it: When you check your mail, how much attention do you pay to what’s been delivered? Sure, you may be expecting a certain bill or letter and search for that in the pile, but otherwise, many of those plain white envelopes probably get ignored.

If you don’t want your mailing to be just another envelope in the crowd, you may be wondering how to make your envelope stand out. We have some ideas that might help you achieve your goals.

  1. Think About the Shape and Size

One of the most common envelopes that exists in the world is the number 10 business envelope. There’s a reason for this: It’s the perfect size to mail invoices and other important information.

However, with so many people using this type of envelope, you might want to consider using different envelope shapes and sizes to help you stand out. Some of the types of business envelopes that you might consider include the following:

Booklet Envelopes

These are larger-sized envelopes that will allow you to mail thicker booklets or brochures to recipients. If you are sending a lot of pages that can’t be folded, then this type of envelope can be useful.

Since booklet envelopes are so much larger than number 10 envelopes, they will instantly stand out when the recipient checks their mail. Booklet envelopes could be a good option when sending documents or other pertinent information that needs to be opened immediately.

Coin Envelopes

Coin envelopes were developed to hold loose change. However, through time, they have evolved to store other items as well — and they can be a great option when it comes to sending something that you want to get noticed. Available in a number of smaller sizes, they can contain small items and documents and will draw the attention of whoever you’re sending them to. (Please note that any envelope must be at least 3-1/2 inches high and 5 inches long to be eligible for mailing at the price of a standard letter via the U.S. Postal Service.)

Real Estate Envelopes

As the name implies, real estate envelopes are often used by real estate agents to collect legal-sized paperwork, but they can be useful in other industries as well. If you find that you have long documents that need to be shared with others, and you need those recipients to take notice, then using this type of envelope could be in your best interest.

In addition to the three envelopes listed above, at The Supplies Shops, we also have an assortment of other specialty envelopes that won’t get lost in the crowd.

  1. Add Some Color

If you find yourself wondering how to make an envelope stand out, consider adding some color. With so many white envelopes in the average stack of mail, having one with color will instantly draw attention and could help make the recipient curious about what’s inside.

You don’t have to add an excessive amount of color; consider printing the name of your business in color, or printing your logo in color on the front of the envelope. This could be enough to get you noticed.

If you do decide you want a lot of color, that’s an option as well. The entire envelope can be printed in your company’s colors, which is a great way to promote yourself and grab people’s attention.

  1. Choose the Right Paper

As people sort through their mail to see what they received, most of it feels the same. By selecting paper that feels different, you may be able to get people to stop and pay attention to what you’ve sent.

For this reason, using high-grade paper works to your advantage. It will also help ensure your business looks professional; it could help create a good first impression that leaves people thinking that your product or service is as high-quality as the envelope you send out.

  1. The Content Should Match the Envelopes

Consistency is key when it comes to getting people to notice you, and the documentation you have inside the envelope should match. This means if you have your logo and colors on the outside of your mailer, you should also include it on your letterhead.

In addition, you should use coordinating paper for the envelope and the documents inside, if possible. Not only does staying consistent make you look professional and detail-oriented, but the repetition could help people recognize and remember your brand.

  1. Use Your Logo and Business Name Correctly

Having your logo or business name on your customized business envelopes is a great way to get them noticed, but you want to use both correctly. If either of these appears too infrequently, the person may not know where the information came from. If you use one or the other too much, this can make your documents look unprofessional. Finding the right balance between how often your name or logo appears on the envelope and the documentation within is imperative.

Taking Care of All Your Customized Business Envelope Needs

Customized business envelopes are a great investment because they are versatile and can be used in a number of ways. Whether you’re sending out invoices or doing a direct-mail marketing campaign, you need to make sure your envelopes stand out from the rest of the mail.

At The Supplies Shops, we want to help your business get the attention it deserves, so we offer a wide variety of envelopes to choose from. Make a great first impression with a customized envelope that fits within your budget.

Send us a message through email at [email protected] or call us toll free at 855-632-8520. We’re ready and able to assist with all your custom business envelope needs, and we offer free shipping and handling on orders over $99.

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