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Fragile Labels – Fragile Stickers

Fragile is synonymous with breakable in the shipping world. A fragile sticker usually indicates t...

Fragile is synonymous with breakable in the shipping world. A fragile sticker usually indicates that a package needs to be handled with extra care because a bump, drop, or bang can break the contents within. With fragile labels, it’s easy to spell out exactly which packages are breakable, so anyone handling them will use the utmost care. That’s why we offer this selection of high-quality fragile stickers at The Supplies Shops. Simply apply one of our fragile labels for shipping to any box or package to help ensure that the items inside arrive safely and intact. For extra-breakable items, you may even want to apply stickers to each side of the box for added protection.

Types of Fragile Labels

It’s important to always use fragile stickers when shipping and storing breakable items. But there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for all fragile belongings or products. Depending on the nature of the item, you may want a different design or wording to ensure that it remains protected while in that package.

With over 50 options for fragile shipping labels and storage labels at The Supplies Shops, we’ve got you covered for every type of situation involving breakables. You can choose labels that say Fragile, Handle with Care, Do Not Stack, or This End Up. There are other fragile labels to choose from, so make sure that you browse through the full selection to find the best fit. You can rest assured that shipping delicate or breakable items will be safe and easy when you use our high-quality Handle with Care stickers and other types of fragile labels.

Where Can I Get Fragile Stickers?

Fragile shipping stickers and storage labels from The Supplies Shops are competitively priced and are easy to use. The labels are sold by the roll and you can order as few as one roll per order. Most fragile stickers come in rolls of 500, so you can ship, stack, and store to your heart’s content. Our labels are used by shippers in a variety of industries and with so many styles to choose from, you’ll find the right label for any need. Fragile labels are just one type of shipping and handling labels we offer.

Have questions about how to get fragile stickers that work for your business? We’re happy to help and we can always be reached by emailing or by calling 855-632-8520 during our normal business hours.